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Hardy's Kiss - Jalapeno & Lime – Fresh, Tangy & Cool

Hardy’s Kiss is a blend of two classic Mexican flavours, Jalapeno (pronounced; ha-la-pen-yo) and Lime. This is our entry level sauce that is refreshingly fruity and has a very subtle tingle of chilli that appeals to those that can’t have it too hot, as well as those that can.


Cook: Salads, Chicken, Fish & Seafood, Couscous, Rice Dishes, Bean Bowls, Veggie Burgers, Curries, Soups.

Dip & Table: Cold Meats / Charcuterie, Pizza, Chicken, Cheese & Crackers, Poppadoms, Vegetable Sticks, Goujons, Dipping Crisps.


Our customers tell us they love this sauce because of its fresh and fruity taste without being overbearing in the heat department. Using the same recipe created in the early days when Mum was a chief taster. She doesn’t like it too hot so the chilli levels were kept within her limits.


The result is Hardy's Kiss, a mild chilli sauce that is best applied as a salad drizzle or dip for cold meats and cheese platters or poppadoms on curry night. Mum still uses it in her soups and on chicken as well as other dishes. Such as...Salads, Seafood, Cheese & Crackers, Poppadom Dip, Charcuterie, Vegetable Sticks and Pizza.


The History


The year is 1805. During his decisive victory at the battle of Trafalgar, Lord Nelson was fatally struck in the left shoulder by a French musket ball. He was carried below deck with his Flag Captain, Thomas Masterman Hardy and whilst HMS Victory was still broadsiding Napoleon’s armada with her 104 guns, Nelson’s final words to Hardy were…


"Kiss me Hardy.

Now I am satisfied.

Thank God I have done my duty.

God bless you Hardy”


18th century preventative measures taken against scurvy, the Navy’s biggest killer of the time, meant lemons and limes were regularly eaten while on board. There may well have been a faint citrus taste on Hardy’s lips as he embraced his legendary Commander and friend.


Made in Portsmouth

Shake Well - Hold Fast



Hardy's Kiss made with Jalapeño and Lime - Mild Heat

250ml wide neck glass bottle


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